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I Am Who I Am

Sabrina Matheny

Updated: Apr 2, 2024

I am who I am, and that is enough is my latest mantra. I say this when I wake up, and when I go to bed. Using any mantra focuses our energy into a certain pattern. I have used mantras in the past that have connected me to Tibetan Monks such as om mani padme hum and appreciated that simply saying the words pronounced om ma nee pad may hum moved me in resonance with their ancient wisdom.

Human beings shift into and out of various frequencies all day long. It is so subtle that we are unaware that we are even doing it. For example, when we are at a party conversing with others, we can feel if we are enjoying the conversation, or if we are searching the room for another person to engage. If the topic du jour is enticing, we will lose track of time and walk away feeling euphoric! If it was uncomfortable, we will feel tense in our body and look for food or drink, or a familiar face to regain our equilibrium.  Feeling uplifted or understood when we spend time with others is a shift into a higher frequency. Feeling heavy and frustrated is a shift into a lower frequency and all of it can have an impact on what comes next…

Our beliefs around various topics lead to experiencing them in 3D in order to give us an opportunity to reinforce their themes in our life. It is when we choose to transform our beliefs that we will eventually get to live that energy pattern in the outside world. Most people think that changing jobs, lovers, or cities provides the magic that creates a whole new existence. But if you stop and reflect you might notice that it was when you made the choice to engage with the energy in a new way that life began to offer you more of the new energy. None of us stare at our reflection in the mirror expecting it to smile first, do we? We know that whatever we see in the mirror does indeed reflect how we feel about ourselves. When we are getting ready for an evening out, anticipating a great time, smiling ear to ear fun is on the horizon! When that smile becomes a grimace, and we are dabbing at our eyes wondering how we got to this point, life inundates us with opportunities to explore our pain.  

All of our experiences are created in energy first, and then are lived out on the earth plane. Knowing this, we can use mantras as permission slips to engage with the energy in ways that lower our resistance to change and align us with opportunities that are more of a match to our journey. I am who I am is really a proclamation in the world. It is an outward statement of an inward acceptance that I do not have be any way other than the way that I am in order to be loved and accepted, by me. That is a true understanding of how we engage with our earthly looking glass. If I live my life according to how others might see me, I never can fully appreciate my own lens. I cannot really navigate my own journey because I have lost all access to my guidance system, so I am basically flying blind and am at the mercy of others who I believe at this point are deciding my fate.

However, when I choose to stay in the driver’s seat and make choices that feel good to me, then I am moving in a direction that is in keeping with my destiny. I am appreciating that what I am living can only be different when I relate to it in a different way. Even when I am experiencing something that I would judge as bad, I can better understand why I would want to play with energy in order to overcome that adversity in my life. By using life’s challenges as signposts to overcome certain beliefs we formed in response to life, we can now give ourselves permission to change course.

A mantra is a simple way to surrender to a greater wisdom. I am who I am and that is enough is tapping into that wisdom. It is reminding ourselves in a moment in time that we are okay just as we are. We are right on time and not missing out in life. We do not need to know more, do more, or have more in order to be better. By accepting that all that we have been through has been necessary in order to be who we are in this very moment, we connect deeply into our being. That is where we will find the courage necessary to challenge any belief that holds us back in life. I am who I am and that is enough is an elixir. Take it into your being fully, three times in the morning, and three times at night and notice how quickly your life will change. It isn’t magic, it is the power of self-love.

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