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Sabrina Matheny

Brasserie du Piton

I have been traveling through France, making my way to the tiny town of Sancerre in the Loire Valley. Here, we will stay a few weeks so that I can study French and mingle with the locals.

My partner, Steve does not speak French, so it has been interesting watching him work with the rhythm of the language to find ways to interact with the people. I have noticed that I am at ease in this atmosphere. I love to learn, so I ask questions practically everywhere I go. I feel a heightened vibration when I am speaking French because I am connecting with people. Those moments of questions, clarifications and responses are beautiful to me. I then get the added bonus of explaining to Steve what just transpired so that he can feel a part of the conversation and feel connected to the lovely townspeople of Sancerre.

This is one way to better understand the way in which we experience “frequencies.” When people are speaking in a foreign language, unless we know the language, we tune them out. We don’t know what they are saying, so we can easily go about our business. We do not feel as though we have missed out on anything, simply that whatever they are doing is a non-factor in our life.

Higher frequencies work the same way. There are greater things than we can imagine that are always happening around us, and if we remain clueless of them, we never get to interact with them. If we want to experience a greater frequency, much like a foreign language, we have to increase our awareness of it. We can do that by learning to “speak” the language of energy.  It begins and ends with an understanding of how we feel when we are doing different things or are in various settings. Are we relaxed or anxious? Are we curious or oblivious? Are we happy and at peace, or resentful and numb? This is how we as human beings can translate energy and use it to tune into a larger experience happening simultaneously.

If we want to increase our own frequency, we have to start with how we feel. As we do, we increase our sensitivities and use our sixth sense to translate our world. One evening for example, we walked around Sancerre looking for a place to eat and settled on Brasserie Du Piton. The waitress was standing outside attempting to engage us in conversation, so we decided to give it a try. As we walked in, I noticed the restaurant reeked of cigarettes. That is usually a no go for me, but somehow, I felt compelled to stay.  She picked up on the fact that we were not French and offered us a menu in English. The owner then came over, proceeded to speak English and translated our order to her. As I watched him enthusiastically talk with Steve, I smiled with delight. It was like watching old friends. We even found ways to enjoy the ambiance as their taste in music was vastly different than our own, choosing to play “head banging” music instead of a soft jazz. Our waitress even made a few mistakes like forgetting to give us water and the sauce for Steve’s steak, yet we still smiled at our good fortune. We appreciated two people in sync with each other and we chose to then sync our rhythm to theirs. In that moment nothing else really mattered. We looked past what did not please us and experienced a magical evening.

We all have the ability to perceive beyond the ordinary if we are curious and able to step outside of ourselves. It requires following that inner push and pull. If we feel resistance, it is important to go deeper into that moment and determine if that is a feeling that we are willing to identify and if we want to continue to endure it. If not, then we can think about how we want to participate with that energy. If we are being pulled into a new direction, even in the slightest way, we let go of all of our excuses and simply follow the calling. The lesson of impermanence is often a tough one to accept. We crave change, yet sometimes dread the discomfort that piggybacks onto it. It can block us from fully taking advantage of a new opportunity for expansion.  The next time you feel “different,” pause and ask yourself if you parlez-vous énergie? You never know! That one question might even take you to a smoky diner, in a small French village.

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