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Sabrina Matheny

Leveling up

When our kids were little, my sister had to be away for a few days and left her toddler son with me.  He is around the same age as my youngest, so adding one more boy to my four-boy brood was not a big deal.  When they dropped him off, they shared that he was a bit constipated.


“No problem” I said, “I can fix that!” I settled him in and when lunch time rolled around I fed him a jar of prune baby food. I was expecting mother nature to immediately rectify this imbalance and relieve this child of his burden. I waited an hour for him to poop and when that did not happen, I grabbed a second jar.

That moment of putting a potent healing food into a being with blockages taught me what can happen when we dabble in alchemy without adequate knowledge of the consequences. In living our daily lives, we often miss the connection between consuming two jars of prunes and the shit we then must wade through. Attempting to eliminate the BS from our lives is never going to be a clean process. Limiting beliefs always stagnate the flow of energy and over time they amass into an unsatisfactory life, leading to the circumscription of our personal power. When we attempt to take shortcuts by doubling down on the perceived cure without weighing the potential outcome, a split-second decision becomes a sentinel moment. 

Our lives are held together by a force that seeks to reconcile the polarity within us. We are constantly creating experiences that challenge our perspectives to give us an opportunity to widen our scope. I decided that my nephew needed regularity without considering that children often use their ability to control their elimination process to exert their power when they feel most vulnerable. Frustrated mothers everywhere battle the will of their children when they are potty training. My nephew was going to be spending time in an unfamiliar home away from his mother. It makes sense that his body reacted to the uncertainty in his world by refusing to let go of the familiar. My certitude trumped the emotional needs of a displaced child, leading both of us down the path of an unpleasant experience.

Healing energy resonates at a high frequency. When we introduce a higher frequency of any kind to a lower one, the lower vibration syncs with its higher counterpart. Anything vibrating at the lower countenance will move into our awareness. This could be physical, emotional or mental blocks. Much like the prunes’ laxative effect, healing modalities soften our resistance to fear allowing our limitations to be released from our energy system.  The problem, i.e. the emotional issue, rigid idea, or dis-ease in the body is its expression in the physical world. Focusing on a cure from a purely third dimensional reality does not change its resonance, because the belief that holds it in place is in a higher dimensional energy field.

As we focus solely on the problem, we keep its gift and therefore its healing at bay. The energy of a problem takes us further from our peace as it sets up dualistic thinking: right/wrong, good/bad, black/white. There are so many more options available to us when we swim around in the waters of nondualism. As we do that we move into a connection with our higher self which allows us to access the origination of a belief.  As we hold the space for differing ideas we keep each option within reach, without gripping so tightly that one becomes an anchor when new possibility is in sight.

As we allow for the amalgam of differing ideas, new paths emerge. They may lead us in a different direction, but the growth that results enshrines us in wisdom. Problems are only an indication that we are seeing a situation from a limited viewpoint.  As we shift into holding both our discomfort for the situation and its positive aspects, we become more capable of sustaining the reckoning that ensues. The newfound vantage point gives us clues as to how to move out of dysfunctional situations and liberate both our beauty and our power.  

This new alignment brings new outlooks and experiences. When we look back we will not recognize the person we once were. That being will feel so foreign to us that every aspect of our prior existence will transform including some of the people, the places, jobs, and even our interests that are out of alignment with the new energy. This is what it means to level up. Our new way of participating in life does not make us more advanced than others, but rather more aware of our personal worth.  

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