I am reading “Quest for Wholeness: Healing Ourselves, Healing Our World,” by Robert Brummet. It is a journey of discovering our true spiritual nature by acknowledging that we are more than our human aspects. He believes that healing ourselves contributes to healing our world. As I journey along with him on this quest, I am leaning into what it means to me to experience wholeness. Isn’t wholeness something we are already? If not, how do we reconcile the parts of ourselves that are out of alignment so that we can feel whole?

Unlike any other journey we will take, the quest for wholeness will transfigure our life. We will drink deeply from our tributary and trace it back to the sea, where we will experience a death and a rebirth. From that moment on, it offers us a sense of peace that no one can wrest from us. Our journey will ask us to become intimately acquainted with the fear inside, so much so that we can smell its breath on us. We will become paralyzed, drifting about in a void until we remember that only we wield our sword of discernment. We decide what we believe and if living someone else’s definition of power, work, love or family aligns with our core vibration.
The death:
The quest for wholeness takes us down paths riddled with missteps, hoping we activate all the landmines that separates us from our own hearts. The goal of course is for us to realize that any negative feelings we hold must not be suppressed. We need our feelings! They are the guiding force that moves us in the direction of relief. If we decide to wallow in despair, then our pain becomes the quicksand that will hold us hostage to living a divided life. Resisting what is only sinks us deeper into our despair. We learned from our families that our well-being and acceptance depended on them. We extended that knowing to others as we sought independence, only to discover more people held the keys to our happiness. As we attempted to listen within, our willpower girded us for the realization that doing things based on our guidance would equal the death of the life we knew.
The rebirth
When we play the game tug of war, the winning team forces through brute strength the other team over the middle line to their side. While they are jumping about thrilled with a win, they are not looking at the pile of tired and weary teammates on the ground. This is what we do energetically when we set ourselves up to be the winner by demanding compliance from others. If they do not share our opinion, our version of truth, and our vision of unity, then we use any means necessary to make our point. The game of tug of war is being played out daily in the news, on the streets and within our very own homes. We forget that when somebody wins, somebody else has to lose.
So, what if we refuse to play? By simply letting go of the rope, we release its energetic hold over us. This makes room for more harmonious experiences to enter into our lives. Any feeling of spaciousness is an improvement over powerlessness. It can look like boredom or feel like danger. This new real estate in our being is what our soul most covets. It means that we understand at last that our thoughts can never be based on what someone else tells us is right for us. We look to our own life experiences to determine how we believe and when and if we want to change those ideas. Only then do we understand the quest for wholeness. It is with that realization that we allow others to make the same call in their experience. Knowing how important it is for each of us to follow our prescribed path, we would never pretend to know what the “right” path looks like for someone else.
As we go into this week many of us will identify with being a winner and a loser. Let us not forget that there does exist the third option of dropping the rope. In a quest for wholeness, we do not win when someone else loses. We are energetically connected to both.
In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr:
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I am wishing each of you light and love as you remember Brummet’s wisdom “personal wholeness and planetary transformation cannot be separated.”