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How to Raise Your Vibe for Spirit Contact

Sabrina Matheny

Most people have a particular way of doing specific tasks in their households. Don’t believe me? Go to a friend’s house for a dinner party and offer to load their dishwasher or ask if they want you to put away the leftover food in their refrigerator. Here is where you will learn quickly if they have a method you must follow. Do you live with someone? Have you battled out yet how to fold towels or put the toilet paper on the holder in the bathroom? We all have beliefs about how things are supposed to work, and sometimes, we have valid reasons for doing things a certain way, but when it comes down to it, there is never one way to do anything. 

I recently watched a documentary on connecting with high-frequency beings, and an “expert” came up with a method they are now willing to share for a price. I do not doubt that their method works for them, but I do not believe it is the best way or the only way to contact higher dimensional beings. We all have different strengths with our intuitive skills; some are clairaudient, some are clairvoyant, etc.  By tapping into the clairs that work best for us, we can receive guidance from those beings that live in other dimensions. Someone new to this work probably does not understand how to raise their frequency to interact with high-frequency beings the first time they attempt to make contact—however, consistent practice and looping in your spirit team help. 

These high vibrational spiritual beings are around us all the time. When our loved ones cross over, they live on the sixth-dimensional plane. However, we often cannot sense them because humans live in a lower-frequency third-dimensional world to care for our physical three-dimensional lives. This distinction is important because it means anyone can tune into these spiritual beings if they know how to raise their frequency. Want to learn the secret? Here are a couple of places to start. 


During meditation, gamma activity increases our brainwaves and leads to heightened states of consciousness. This energy helps us to tune into the interconnectedness of all beings. The goal of connection is recognizing that we all are a part of the energy source. We can quiet our mental chatter in this energy, reducing our negative thought patterns. Negativity is a lower-frequency energy. Worry, stress, and fear all fall into this category. When we quiet our thoughts, we no longer focus on our fear. We move out of the past and future and bring awareness to the here and now.  The present is the most potent and expansive energy because it is the only energy in which we can make choices and act.  Meditating allows us to be present with our spirit; we can receive her guidance in this energy and feel connected to loved ones on the other side. 

*Find your passion

When we do what we love, we naturally raise our frequency. We are joyful and filled with gratitude—those energies are high-vibrational forces! When we feel helpful and appreciated by those who benefit from our talents and skills, we want to spend more time sharing our gifts with the world. We feel positive about making a difference! In this energy, we align with the right timing and experience synchronicities, giving us more opportunities to contribute to the world's positive energy. We can also use this energy to channel inspiration to enhance our work. Many artists and songwriters receive new ideas from this energy. 

*Trust in good vibes

We can also more easily adapt when things do not work out because we now have a barometer of what feels good, so challenges serve as signposts for opportunities to examine our beliefs more closely and determine if we are holding onto ideas that no longer serve our overall well-being. If we find that we are depressed or anxious, our feelings alert us to take a better look at how we are directing our energy. Learning to eliminate frustration from our lives reduces anxiety. When we get upset, we can get curious about our expectations and determine if they are realistic or need adjustment. Depression can be a sign of suppressing a part of ourselves. Disempowerment is a heavy frequency energy that weighs our vibration down. Trusting in our process and acting on our instincts frees us from the guilt and shame of feeling like a victim. The goal is not to avoid low-frequency emotions but to use them to examine our beliefs. Can we change our beliefs to see situations from a new perspective? How can this experience serve our overall growth? 

*You got this!

By centering our energy in meditation first thing in the morning, we set the tone for the day. This gives us a calm and peaceful energy to start our day. Like attracts like, so at this point, we are inviting calm energy into our lives. When we feel good, we can trust that we are in our flow, and when challenges come up, we look for ways to work with our guidance to navigate those situations. What are these circumstances allowing us to learn about ourselves? All of these techniques keep our vibrational countenance high. This is the energy that high vibrational beings exist in, and it is here that we can sense them through our intuitive strengths. It is nice to join others and try new ways to connect to other dimensions, but it is not necessary to communicate with our higher selves or spiritual beings. If this is something that you desire, know that you already have everything inside of you to make it happen. Start with the basics of raising your frequency first, and trust that whatever else you need to understand will be revealed in perfect timing. All is well. 

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